A full-service digital design and marketing firm, I Am Design Studios launched in 2015 under the direction of owner Frederick Cores. With a hand in the creation of over 400 websites and a decade’s worth of experience designing and marketing for small businesses under his belt, Fred leads a team of extraordinarily creative designers, writers, photographers and videographers to deliver gorgeous, top-notch websites and robust, targeted marketing campaigns.
I Am Design Studios takes pride in their long-standing working relationships with local clients in Illinois and Wisconsin. Client feedback gives away the firm’s secret recipe for results: taking the time to get to know clients in person—plus attentive, personalized service from talented people.
With an eye for talent, and a process that works, the I Am Design Studios team are buzzing around town, helping small businesses—and the awesome people who run them—succeed beyond what they ever thought possible.
When I left college and started my first corporate IT job I had no idea the skills I was learning would later be used to help small businesses. I was just happy to have landed a job right out of college. As time went by my role shifted from technical support to company web developer. I grew to know the company and just how out of date they were. I was trying to shift the marketing mentality of a dinosaur group of executives with closed minds. It was like herding cats. They refused to change and as a result I found myself without a job in an uncertain 2009 economy. After 100 years in business this management consulting company finally toppled in on itself, I was shocked.
Once my corporate chains were broken, I left that mold filled, fluorescent lit office and decided I would never go back. I would never again use my talents in such a mundane manner. I had an idea and I was going to run with it. The entrepreneurial spirit, the freedom of expression and independence took over my being. My first marketing company was born and it helped hundreds of small business owners achieve their online marketing goals. So I did what a lot of business owner’s dream of. I sold that business for a great profit.
After a short break I started I AM Design Studios. The idea behind the name came to me at a BNI meeting. Every single person gets up and starts off with an “I AM statement.” Then it was followed up with a presentation about the business. I always found it intriguing because most people missed the mark. Your I AM statement should be about your story, your passion and your product. It’s not just what you do; it’s where you come from and what you are at heart.
Thank you for reading my story, I greatly appreciate it. Everybody has a story and we love to tell them. If you know someone that could use our assistance please share our information with them.
I AM Design, Who are you?
We can help you find out.